Many are the Plans in a Mans Heart...

Many are the Plans in a Mans Heart...
Many are the Plans in a Mans Heart...

Friday, February 4, 2011

The Trip that Drove My Wife from Backpacking Forever!

We come upon a cute and happy couple and their mangy mutt, in the hills just east of Mentone CA.

Actually....we were not happy.  The day had started out ok, but since I am not the doting husband that I should be, I waited too long to get some food into her and she nearly called off the whole thing before we even made it to the trailhead!

We had been planning the trip all summer,  and I had been so excited, that, being who I am, I forgot a few minor details, that if remembered, would have changed the trip entirely, and maybe not driven my wife away from the thought of backpacking forever!

Here is what I forgot:

#1.  Don't take your wife backpacking for the first time in 100 degree weather.

I had spent all summer looking forward to this trip, but neglected to think about the heat of the Southern California sun at mid day in August.  As all men do, I had planned for a trip for myself, not taking into account my wife and her ability level.  We started the trek at around 2 PM, the hottest part of the day.  My dog was panting, I was sweating, and my wife was unhappy.  But, nevertheless, she had previously decided, (without letting me in on the little secret) that she was going to do this for me if it killed her!

We crossed the creek/drainage ditch and went up into the foot hills.  The trail was easy going, with not much elevation gain, and we were having a dandy time walking in the cool and shade of the large oak trees that covered much of the surrounding area.  We were only hiking for about a quarter mile, however, when the terrain and elevation changed drastically.

#2.  Never take you wife on her first backpacking trip on a trail that you have never been on before!

I had heard from my best buddy Mike (Thanks allot buddy HAHA!)  that the trail was easy going, and that it was not very steep.  Later on I learned that he and his wife and dog had only gone to the edge of actual climb, right where we were now, and had never taken the trail all the way to the first camp site.

As we climbed the trail,  it kept getting steeper and steeper, climbing above the oak grove and into sparse  cactus filled terrain.  Every now and then my wife would break down and cry (about every quarter mile, if I had to guess).  I, being the thoughtful gentleman (Sarcasm People!), would of course offer to carry her pack, or to turn around and go back.  Now, if I have learned anything about my wife, I have definitely learned that once she gets it into her mind to do something, there is no stopping her.  And she was going to do this for me Damn It!

We took a much needed break when it started to thunder and rain shower (Really?!?!? Can this get any worse?  Just wait!)  and it seemed like we were finally getting somewhere and that the worst of the climb was over.  Not so!  About another 1.5 miles up the trail we finally reached the wilderness boundary,  and I definitely had thoughts of stopping ten feet past the marker and camping on the spot!  But we were bound and determined to make it and by golly we would!

#3.  Don't walk a mile ahead of your wife on her first backpacking trip!

I was at this point following her up the steep trail, but at one point in time I got out in front of her hand before I new it, she was no where to be seen!  I stopped to wait for her, and once she caught up,  I being the gentleman again, decided to carry on with the hike.  Come on now Andy!  You rested for like ten minutes while your wife was climbing the trail, and once she got to you you were taking off again, giving her no time to rest?!?!   Yes,  that was me for you.  A great guy.

By the time we reached the camp,  we were pretty much done with backpacking.  I put my pack down and went to get some water from the creek.

We set up camp and I wondered how we were going to make it through the night, but once we got all cozy and had dinner going, it wasn't half bad!   Except for the mosquitos,  they were murder.  And the biting flies, hell!

My puppy and I got some sticks and then I carved us some spoons for dinner.  We ate spaghetti until we were full and then gave the rest to my pup.  He loved it of course.  The temperature started to drop and we got our our warmer clothes and hung out by the site, drinking coffee and getting murdered by yellow biting flies.

#4.  Never take your two man backpacking tent on your wife's first backpacking trip!

The tent was roomy to me, but on other occasions she had called it "a coffin."  But, me being thoughtful old me, and wanting to save two pounds of weight,  I brought it anyway!

We woke the next morning to a beautiful camp, one of the most beautiful that I had ever camped at actually,  and packed up for the long trek back.  I think that if we had been able to stay more than one night we would have had a better time.....but who am I kidding.  She was ready to get out of there!

So we started down the trail,  I leading a mile ahead because I'm not a particularly quick learner.  By the time we got back to the car,  I was carrying my 30 lb puppy on top of my pack because he had quit in the middle of the trail with heat exhaustion (the temperature was well over 100).  I hurried to the car, across the creek and up the last little steep hill.  I put my puppy by the car with some water, dumped my pack, and headed back down the trail to go fetch my wife and her backpack, and maybe take a dip in the creek like we had discussed earlier.

Little did I know that she had thought we were going to stop at the creek before going to the car, and after she lost sight of me,  she became lost, not 100 yards from the trail head and car!

#5.  Don't expect that your wife can read your mind on her first backpacking trip!

She was so tired and mad at me by the time I got to her that all conversation was null and void, and it took about two hours before she would even talk to me!  MY bad. She had thought that we were going to stop, and when she lost me she didn't know where she was and got scared.  She found the trail, but by the time I got back to her she had thought that I had simply left her to fend for herself, and wouldn't even let me carry her backpack for her!   How dare she! (I am a Jackass, arn't I)

So, to make a long trip a little shorter, the next time I try to take her, if she will even consider going with me that is,  I will consider the following:

 - Check the weather report before going.  If its going to be any hotter than 70 degrees,  put the trip off until further notice!

-  Take her on a trail that I have been on and that will be a pleasant hike, but not the same as climbing Everest!

-  Let her set the pace for gods sakes!  No more walking ahead of her.  Walk next to her!

-  Bring that big tent that you bought years ago for trips with her in mind but never use!  Its worth the extra weight!

-  Explain what you are thinking to her before you do it!  No one can read minds! Except super heros.

I figure that if I stick to this list of things to remember,  I can't go wrong!  (or can I?)  Well, time will only tell,  and shoot,  I have to get her to go again before I will ever know.  ( the last trip post, hike to Sa Jacinto Saddle was a good start)  

It was a growing experience and I will never forget it!  Thanks my love,  You made my summer! Thanks for loving me even though I can be the most thick headed man in the world sometimes.  Hell, most of the time!

Until Next Time.......

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