Many are the Plans in a Mans Heart...

Many are the Plans in a Mans Heart...
Many are the Plans in a Mans Heart...

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Lightweight toothbrush substitute! (For those of you ounce counters)

I recently stumbled upon a light weight toothbrush substitute when shopping for my dog at Petco.  Most of us with dogs have at one point or another had to brush their teeth.

When backpacking I always want to brush my teeth but can never seem to bring myself to pack a full toothbrush, always substituting for a cut off little stub or nothing at all.  When I am on trips longer than overnight, I really want the option of brushing my teeth however.

Enter the Petco brand dog toothbrush!

Its awesome!  The size of a finger tip and bristly enough to get the job done.  I am shocked that it took me so long to make the connection between the dog toothbrush and backpacking. I guess I am getting better at thinking outside the box when it comes to backpacking!

So, for those of you who don't mind sticking your finger in your mouth to brush you teeth,  This is a viable option!

You can thank me later.



  1. Heck! We just used our finger... this is better!

  2. Thanks growgardengrow! I had mixed reviews from friends....but I like it...and I guess that is what matters!! ;-)
