Recently I had a birthday (making me 27 years old) and my father sent me a card in the mail with 100$ cash! I didn't know what to buy because my list is so long and nothing on it (at the time) really needed replacing.
I debated with myself for a while and then decided on a pair of Vibram Trek Multisports. I had recenly (within the last three months) purchased a par of KSO's and had done nothing but love them. As previously posted I had taken them on a three day packing trip to Yosemite and they had proven their salt. The only issue is I had with them was that after six or so miles of treking on granite and rough surfaces, my feet began to ache like there was no tomorrow. I attributed this to 1. the weight of my pack, and 2. the thickness of the sole.
KSO's have a 1.4 MM thick sole and they are not much protection against sharp rocks and rough ground. I purchased the Multisports because their sole is not only 4 times thicker, but also has a much more rugged tread that will allow me to gain better traction over any form of terrain/ ground.
Other than the difference in the sole however, the Multisports are nearly identical to the KSO's. They have a mesh top layer with the single strap fastening design that has made the KSO so popular and efficient.
Since I got them, the Multisports have been exactly what I expected. While walking on rough ground they give added protection and padding that allow for a much more comfortable walking experience. The only issue that i have had with them is that my baby toe has trouble getting into the slot and staying there without bunching up due to a strange curvature and small lip in the toe socket. Don't get me wrong. I actually prefer the KSO's. They are more flexible and give a more barefoot feel.
Since I haven't had the chance to take them out for their first trial run yet, I cannot comment on their durability or functionality in the field, but I'm sure they will hold up beautifully. I think that I will take both pair of shoes along and will wear the Multisports for the long trek with my pack, and the KSO's around camp and on any day hikes that I may take. I can't wait to take them out and try them!
Hopefully I will get to use them in the field within the next few months, if only for a day hike or two. Since my packing gear was stolen I will not be able to take an extended trip most likely until the summer. Wish me luck with my new shoes! They so far have been great and I would recommend them.